
How important is it for a business to have a website?

To be very clear, a business without a web presence “does not exist” for a large part of its potential client base. Having a website is vital for a business to be able to connect with new prospects and maintain relationships with current clients. It’s not only a business card, it’s both a sales and a public relations tool. 

Traditional sales have been transformed, and successful companies shore up business with a plethora of digital tools (email, social networking, blogs, YouTube channels, etc.) that communicate their product and service offerings to the public. Digital marketing allows a company to reach a much wider audience, make sales, and provide information to clients 24 hours a day. Currently, the cost to maintain a website is very economical, which opens the door for any savvy businessperson to take advantage of these benefits. 

Here are 5 key ways a website is indispensable for your business, and how to take the first step:

1.  Business card

A website serves as a type of business card, accessible at any time from any computer or mobile device. Products and services offered can be outlined, accompanied by photos, appealing graphics, and even client reviews that lend to credibility and trust with the visitor…as they say, a picture is worth a thousand words. 

2.  Credibility and trust

Businesses with a dynamic, well-designed website inspire more credibility and trust. A website with professional-looking design portrays your business as solid and professional, on par with the largest competitors in your market. How can a client trust in a company that doesn’t have its own quality website?

3.  Immediate access

The internet is one of the primary ways serious potential clients search for a product or service. A company without a website will be invisible for those searching online; it’s very important that a business have professional website to share its brand and product offerings, and that it ranks amongst the first few search results. The better the search ranking, the more likely it will be that you attract desirable clients and increase sales. 

4.  Affordable marketing with a wide reach 

Internet marketing is not only a low-cost option, but one that allows you to target a very specific client base who might be looking for your products or services. It also opens the door for you to easily reach potential clients in other markets and regions, leading to excellent opportunities for companies that want to scale-up to a national or international level. 

5.  24-hour attention and support

As previously mentioned, one of the most important reasons for a business to have a website is to meet the needs of the client. They will be able to get in touch whenever they need to, 24 hours a day. It’s the best way to address concerns, complaints, and suggestions, which will translate into satisfied clients. 

Taking action and launching your business website

A professional website allows you to position your business to increase sales. Those companies that are not on the internet are theoretically invisible in this day and age. 

There are two options to create a website for your company – you can build the site yourself, or contract a professional to handle the design and maintenance of your digital marketing. 

If you have the necessary resources, it’s highly recommended that you hire a professional. However, if your company is smaller with limited resources, don’t worry there are thousands of tools and videos that can help you take the first steps. 

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